Covid-19 SAFETY 冠状病毒病安全措施
The safety of our passengers, crew and aircraft is our number one priority, at all times, without exception. Every member of our team is committed to looking after the wellbeing of each other and our passengers.
To mitigate the risk of Covid-19, Nautilus Aviation:
- Requires all staff to follow strict personal hygiene protocols; and MUST NOT attend work if presenting with symptoms of illness.
- Encourages travellers to practice good respiratory hygiene (including covering both nose/mouth when coughing/ sneezing).
- Encourages the use of provided hand sanitisers.
- Encourages to use contactless payment options.
为了降低冠状病毒病(COVID-19)的风险,本公司(Nautilus Aviation)采取以下措施:
- 要求所有员工严格遵守个人卫生规定;如有症状,绝对不能上班。
- 鼓励旅客注意呼吸道卫生,咳嗽或打喷嚏时请掩住口鼻。
- 鼓励使用我们提供的洗手液。
- 鼓励使用非接触式支付方式。