+61 (0)7 4034 9000

+61 (0)7 4034 9000

Terms and Conditions


Each guest travelling with Nautilus Aviation accepts the below listed terms and conditions.

乘坐本公司(Nautilus Aviation)的每位旅客均接受以下列出的条款和条件。



  • Aircraft tasked for tourism flights are allocated by Nautilus Aviation.
  • 用于旅游观光飞机的直升机是由本公司(Nautilus Aviation)提供。
  • Aircraft for charter flights may be selected by the client – subject to availability, task appropriateness and combined weights of passenger and luggage complying with aircraft specifications.
  • 选择直升机包机飞行的乘客可以选择各种直升机机型 – 需要根据直升机的可用性、出行任务的适当性以及乘客和行李的组合重量是否符合直升机规格而定。
Booking Conditions


  • All charter flights are confirmed subject to availability and weather.
  • 所有直升机包机飞行预订的确认都需要根据当天直升机可用性和天气条件而定。
  • All tours are confirmed subject to availability, weather and achieved booking minimums.
  • 所有直升机观光飞行预订都会受到直升机的可用性、天气条件和达到的最低预订人数的影响而定。
  • Single passenger bookings are welcome however our products require a minimum number of passengers to proceed. Our Reservations team will reach out to confirm availability within the shortest possible time after we receive your order. For instant confirmation please call the team on 074034 9000.
  • 欢迎单个乘客预订,但我们的产品需要最低数量的乘客才能进行。收到您的订单后,我们的预订团队将尽快与您确认您的预订。如需即时确认,请致电07 4034 9000联系我们的预订团队。
  • Nautilus Aviation accommodates both FIT & Group passengers on our 30, 45 & 60 minute Scenic Flights from Cairns daily. To ensure smooth operations, passenger check in comfort & minimise delays, all 30, 45 & 60 minute Scenic Flight bookings up to 6 passengers (1 Helicopter) will continue to depart from the Pier Heliport (2 Pier Point Road Cairns) while all Bookings for 7+ passengers (2+ Helicopters) depart from our General Aviation Airport location (Hangar 7 Bush Pilots Avenue Aeroglen). All Reef Partner Packages with Down Under Cruise & Dive, Great Adventures OBR and Green Island, Reef Magic & Sunlover Reef Cruises depart continue to depart and return from / to the Pier Heliport.
  • 本公司(Nautilus Aviation)每天可以接待自由行(FIT)乘客和旅游团队(Group)乘客来参加我们提供的从凯恩斯出发历时30分钟,45分钟和60分钟的直升机飞行观光的旅游活动。为了确保运营流程的畅顺性,乘客办理登机的舒适感,以及减少直升机班次的延误,所有30分钟、45分钟和60分钟的飞行观光的预订(6名乘客及以下,1架直升机)将继续从码头直升机停机坪(地址:2 Pier Point Road Cairns)出发。7名以上乘客(2架及以上直升机)的所有预订将从我们的通用航空机场的位置(地址:Hangar 7 Bush Pilots Avenue Aeroglen)出发。进化号/别称蜕变号/原名鱼鹰号(Down Under Cruise & Dive – Evolution)、冒险号外堡礁和绿岛(Great Adventures OBR and Green Island)、魔幻丽礁号和太阳恋人号 (Reef Magic & Sunlover Reef Cruises) 等所有大堡礁合作伙伴的套餐将仍然从码头直升机停机坪(the Pier Heliport)出发和返回。
  • In accordance with Civil Aviation Safety Authority CAAP 235-1 (para.11) all passengers are required to provide full name, accurate weight and baggage details prior to their flight.
  • 根据民航安全局CAAP 235-1(第11段)的规定,所有乘客必须在飞行前提供全名、准确的体重和行李细节。
  • Seat allocation including window seats for scheduled flights (non-exclusive) are decided based on weight and balance and at the discretion of the pilot or ground crew to ensure the safe carriage of all passengers.
  • 乘客座位的安排,包括定期航班(非包机航班)的窗口座位,是根据重量和平衡及飞行员或地勤人员的决定而进行的,以确保所有乘客的安全飞行。
  • Reservations are held only when weights are received, and full payment is made – unless credit facilities have previously been arranged.
  • 我们只有在收到乘客的重量信息和全额付款之后,您的预订才会得到确认 – 除非之前您已经提前安排了信用支付方式。
Check In


  • We recommend you are checked in 45 minutes prior to your scheduled departure time. Check-in will close 30 minutes before departure and you will not be able to check in after this time. When planning your arrival at your departure point please ensure you allow enough time to check in. Failure to adhere to check-in times, may result in you missing your flight and forfeiting the fare paid.
  • 重要提示:我们建议您在预定出发时间前45分钟办理登机手续。登机手续将于起飞前30分钟准时关闭,逾时将无法办理。在计划前往出发地点时,请确保留出足够时间办理登机手续。如未能按时完成,可能会导致您错过航班,且已支付的票款将无法退还。
  • Upon check-in, passengers will receive mandatory safety briefing.
  • 办理乘机登记手续时,乘客将接受澳洲政府法律规定的乘机安全事项讲解(提供中文讲解影片)。
Children & Infants


  • Children 3 years and above are legally required to be seated in their own seat and are therefore required to pay the full ticket price.
  • 3岁及以上的儿童根据法律规定必须坐在自己的座位上,因此需要支付全票价。
  • Children aged 3 years to 13 years must be accompanied by an adult on all flights.
  • 3 岁至 13 岁的儿童必须由成人陪同搭乘所有直升机飞行。
  • Children under the age of 3 are classified an infant and may travel free of charge.
  • 3岁以下的婴儿被归类为婴儿,可以免费飞行。
  • At the time of booking, please advise if travelling with infants as additional seating regulations apply.
  • 在预订时,请提前告知是否携带婴儿,因为附加的座位这项规定将会启用。
  • Under Australian regulations, an infant is a passenger who has not reached their 3rd birthday.
  • 根据澳大利亚的法规,婴儿是指尚未满3周岁的乘客(即还没有过3周岁的生日)。
  • Routinely one (1) infant (under 3 years of age) is permitted per flight and may travel free of charge when seated on a parent’s/guardian’s lap with a company provided infant seat belt restraint.
  • 根据常规,每次飞行只允许一名(不满3周岁的)婴儿乘客,当婴儿乘客坐在由本公司(Nautilus Aviation)提供的婴儿固定装置的安全座椅上,接下来把这个婴儿安全座椅放在父母/监护人的腿上用安全带固定之后才可以免费飞行。
  • If travelling with more than one infant, please contact the Office.
  • 如果携带多名婴儿出行,请联系我们提前告知。
  • Regarding luggage, prams and seat capsules for infants, please refer to Luggage Allowance.
  • 关于行李、婴儿车和婴儿座椅的信息内容,请参阅行李限额
Conditions of Carriage


  • Although all care is taken, Nautilus Aviation accepts no responsibility for loss or damage to personal belongings, luggage or personal injury due to events beyond our control and will not be liable for additional expenses or inconvenience arising from, or incidental to, any delay in service.
  • 尽管我们尽最大努力,但本公司(Nautilus Aviation)对于由于我们控制之外的事件而导致的个人物品、行李或个人受伤的损失不承担责任,并且对因此而产生的任何额外费用或不便不负责任。
  • Nautilus Aviation works in conjunction with other tour operators and is not liable for other operator’s acts or omissions, whether negligent or otherwise. Travel and admissions will be subject to the conditions imposed by these operators, which may limit or exclude liability for personal injury or property damage.
  • 本公司(Nautilus Aviation)与其他旅游运营商合作,不对其他运营商的行为或疏忽行为承担任何责任。如果您参加了他们所提供的旅游项目和景点入场时,您需要遵守运营商他们所规定的条件,否则您可能会限制或排除他们对个人受伤或财产损失的责任。
  • For terms and conditions of partnered tour operators, please refer to relevant website.
  • 有关合作的旅游运营商的条款和条件,请参阅相关网站。
Covid Safe Information


  • To mitigate the risk of Covid19, Nautilus Aviation have implemented a range of additional safety measures.
  • 为了减轻新冠病毒19 Covid19)的风险,本公司(Nautilus Aviation)已实施了一系列额外的安全措施。
  • For further information, please click on the link: Covid Safe Information.
  • 有关更多信息,请单击链接:Covid安全信息。
Credit Cards


  • Payments made by credit card will incur a surcharge.
  • 使用信用卡付款将收取手续费。
  • The surcharge incurred is that set by the corresponding financial institution at the time of booking.
  • 所收取的附加费是由相应的金融机构在预订时设定的。
  • Visa and MasterCard will incur a 1.2% surcharge. Nautilus Aviation does not accept AMEX.
  • Visa和MasterCard将收取1.2%的附加费。本公司(Nautilus Aviation)不接受AMEX。
  • When payment is made via credit card, the processing fee from the original transaction will not be returned in the case of a refund.
  • 如果使用信用卡付款的话,退款时原交易产生的手续费将不予退还。
Dive/Fly Policy


  • Quicksilver Cruises, Great Adventures, Sunlover Reef Cruises, Reef Magic, Down Under Cruise & Dive conduct on board dive briefings on the cruise to the outer reef. Passengers wishing to enjoy a helicopter flight and dive activities (Intro, Certified, Guided Snorkelling Ocean Walker or Sea Walker and Scuba-Doo, ) with both vessels, must book the ‘Cruise/Fly’ or Cruise/Cruise + 10 Minute Scenic packages.
  • 银梭号游船(Quicksilver Cruises)和冒险号游船(Great Adventures),太阳恋人号(Sunlover Reef Cruises), 魔幻丽礁号(Reef Magic), 进化号/别称蜕变号/原名鱼鹰号(Down Under Cruise & Dive – Evolution)每艘游船都会在前往外堡礁游船的行驶过程中进行深海潜水活动的安全培训的讲解。如果您希望在这五艘游船的任何一艘游船上参加直升机飞行和潜水活动(入门深潜、认证深潜,专人带领浮潜,海底漫步和海底摩托车)的话,那么您就必须选择预订 “船去/飞回” 或者 “船去/船回 + 10 分钟飞行观光” 的套餐。
EMC – Environmental Management Charge (GBRMPA)


  • EMC is an Environment Management Charge of $8.00pp payable to the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority and will be coming back into effect for all journeys to the Great Barrier Reef post 01 July 2023.
  • EMC(Environment Management Charge)是向大堡礁海洋公园管理局支付的一项环境管理费用,每人收费 8.00 澳元,从2023年7月1日起重新生效,适用于所有前往大堡礁的旅程。
  • When applicable the EMC applies to all adults and children 4 years and over entering the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage area.
  • 当EMC重新生效之日起,EMC适用于所有年满4岁及以上的成人和儿童。
  • Down Under Dive – All prices exclude the Down Under Cruise & Dive $20 levy payable on-board on travel day directly to Down Under Cruise & Dive staff, the Environmental Management Charge (EMC) is included in the Down Under Cruise & Dive $20 levy, and no additional funds will need to be collected by Nautilus Aviation.
  • 进化号/别称蜕变号/原名鱼鹰号船(Down Under Cruise & Dive – Evolution)- 所有价格不包含的那一部分是您需要在进化号/别称蜕变号/原名鱼鹰号(Down Under Cruise & Dive – Evolution)游船上支付的每人20澳元的额外费用,该费用可直接支付给进化号/别称蜕变号/原名鱼鹰号游船(Down Under Cruise & Dive)上的工作人员。环境管理费(EMC)已经包含在进化号/别称蜕变号/原名鱼鹰号游船公司(Down Under Cruise & Dive – Evolution)在船上向您收取的20澳元的额外费用里,本公司(Nautilus Aviation)不再需要向您收取任何额外费用。
  • Great Adventures – The Environmental Management Charge (EMC) is included in the price of your cruise ticket, and no additional funds will need to be collected by Nautilus Aviation.
  • 冒险号游船(Great Adventures)- 环境管理费(EMC)已包含在您的游船票价中,本公司(Nautilus Aviation)不再需要向您收取额外费用。
  • Quicksilver Cruises – The Environmental Management Charge (EMC) is included in the price of your cruise ticket, and no additional funds will need to be collected by Nautilus Aviation.
  • 银梭号游船(Quicksilver Cruises) – 环境管理费(EMC)已包含在您的游船票价中,本公司(Nautilus Aviation)不再需要向您收取额外费用。
  • Reef Magic – The Environmental Management Charge (EMC) is included in the price of your cruise ticket, and no additional funds will need to be collected by Nautilus Aviation.
  • 魔幻丽礁号游船(Reef Magic)- 环境管理费(EMC)已包含在您的游船票价中,本公司(Nautilus Aviation)不再需要向您收取额外费用。
  • Sunlover Reef Cruises – The Environmental Management Charge (EMC) is included in the price of your cruise ticket, and no additional funds will need to be collected by Nautilus Aviation.
  • 太阳恋人号游船(Sunlover Reef Cruises)- 环境管理费(EMC)已包含在您的游船票价中,本公司(Nautilus Aviation)不再需要向您收取额外费用。
Flight Cancellation


  • By Nautilus Aviation
  • 由本公司(Nautilus Aviation)决定
  • Flights are subject to Management and/or pilot discretion, weather, air-traffic control and availability.
  • 航班可能受到管理层和/或飞行员的决定、天气状况、空中交通管制以及直升机航班计划等因素的影响。
  • The decision of the pilot in command is final with regards to cancelling a flight due to inclement weather and/or the refusal of the passenger/s if the passenger/s are deemed unfit for flight.
  • 对于因恶劣天气和/或认为乘客不适合飞行而拒绝乘客飞行所取消航班的决定,飞行员拥有最终决定权。
  • Nautilus strives to ensure your flight takes off as planned. However, unexpected circumstances like bad weather, staffing issues, or unscheduled maintenance may arise. In these instances, we will: Do our best to rebook you on another flight: If possible, we’ll happily reschedule your trip for a different date that works for you. Flight rebooking is subject to availability. Offer a full refund: If rebooking isn’t an option, you’ll receive a full refund for your cancelled flight. Please note the refund will be no greater than the flight amount.

  • 本公司努力确保您的航班按计划起飞。然而,可能会出现意外情况,如恶劣天气、人员问题或计划外维护。在这些情况下,我们将:尽最大努力为您重新安排其他航班:如果可能,我们将很乐意为您重新安排行程,选择适合您的其他日期。重新预订视航班计划情况而定。提供全额退款:如果无法重新预订,您将获得已取消航班的全额退款。请注意,退款金额不会超过航班预订的金额。

Flight Cancellation and or Amendments


  • By Direct customer or Travel Agent on behalf of the customer
  • 由直客本人或旅行社代表乘客取消或更改预订
  • Flight cancellations and or amendments require a minimum notification of 48 hours prior to departure.
  • 航班取消和/或更改需要至少在出发前 48 小时发出通知。
  • Cancellation notice of 48hours is required for a full refund claim and 24-48 hours, for a 50% refund claim.
  • 全额退款需要提前48 小时发出取消通知,50% 退款则需要 24-48 小时内发出取消通知。
  • Any flight amendments made inside 48 hours with incur a 50% penalty. No amendments accepted inside 24 hours prior to departure.
  • 任何在48小时内进行的航班更改都将产生50%的处罚性费用。出发前24小时内不接受任何更改。
  • No refund applies if booking is cancelled inside 24 hours.
  • 如果在 24 小时内取消预订,则不予退款。
  • In the event of passenger illness, with medical certificate, Nautilus Aviation will reschedule the flight.
  • 在携带医疗证明的情况下,如果乘客生病,本公司(Nautilus Aviation)将重新安排航班。
  • When payment is made via credit card, the processing fee from the original transaction will not be returned in the case of a refund.
  • 如果使用信用卡付款的话,退款时原交易产生的手续费将不予退还。
Flight Cancellation


  • By ‘Other’
  • 由“其他方” 所做出的决定
  • Nautilus Aviation accepts no responsibility for any expenses incurred by a passenger as a result of any domestic/international flight delay, reschedules, alterations, poor weather or unscheduled maintenance.
  • 对于乘客因任何国内/国际航班延误、改期、变更、恶劣天气或计划外维护而产生的任何费用,本公司(Nautilus Aviation)不承担任何责任。
  • Where possible, Nautilus Aviation will attempt to delay the departure of flights providing it does not affect other passengers, products and connecting flights.
  • 在可能的情况下,本公司(Nautilus Aviation)将尝试延迟航班起飞,前提是不影响其他乘客、旅游产品和转机航班。
  • Where a flight cannot be held resulting in a private charter being required, the flight is subject to availability and will incur an additional cost.
  • 如果无法保留您的预订航班而需要私人包机的话,那么这次特定航班的安排则视公司航班计划而定,并会产生额外费用。
  • It is recommended that all passengers take out travel insurance to cover any unforeseen circumstances.
  • 建议所有乘客提前购买旅行保险以应对任何不可预见的情况。
Flight Paths and Schedules


  • Nautilus Aviation endeavours to deliver all flights as described on our website or other collateral. 
  • 本公司(Nautilus Aviation)努力按照我们的网站或其他宣传资料上描述的所有航线进行飞行。
  • Due to pilot discretion, weather, Air Traffic Control and other operational considerations beyond our control, flight paths and flight times may at times vary.  For these reasons, Nautilus Aviation cannot guarantee exact arrival and departure times and will therefore not be liable for additional expenses arising from, or incidental to, any delay in service as outlined in our *Conditions of Carriage.
  • 由于飞行员的判断、天气、空中交通管制以及其他我们无法控制的运营因素,飞行路线和飞行时间有时可能会有所变化。基于这些原因,本公司(Nautilus Aviation)无法保证准确的抵达和出发时间,因此不承担因服务延误而产生或附带的额外费用,如我们的*直升机承运条件(*Conditions of Carriage)中所述。
Fuel Surcharge


  • With fluctuations in world oil prices, it may be necessary to apply a fuel surcharge to the ticket price. In such cases, any charge will be collected on departure. No fuel surcharge is presently applicable.
  • 随着世界石油价格的波动,可能需要在机票价格中征收燃油附加费。在这种情况下,所有费用将会在出发时收取。目前不收取燃油附加费。
Gift Vouchers


  • To redeem, the gift voucher (or voucher number) is required upon booking and bookings are essential.
  • 如需兑换,需在预订时提供礼券(或礼券编号),并且必须提前预订。
  • Gift vouchers are non-refundable and may not be redeemed for cash.
  • 礼品券不可退款,也不能兑换现金。
  • The expiration date of all gift vouchers is three (3) years from the date printed.  The flight must be booked and used within this timeframe. 
  • 所有礼券的有效期为自打印之日起三 (3) 年,礼券上飞行产品必须在此期限内预订和使用。


  • Nautilus Aviation carries insurance for all operations undertaken including passenger liability insurance, as required by Australian Aviation Law.
  • 根据澳大利亚航空法的规定,本公司(Nautilus Aviation)为所有的运营都购买了保险,包括乘客责任险。
Luggage Allowance


  • Resort Stays
  • 入住度假酒店
  • Charters
  • 包机服务
  • Helicopters have a limited capacity for the carrying of luggage. It is for this reason all passengers are restricted to a maximum allowance of 15kg per person (including hand luggage).
  • 直升机对携带行李的承载能力有限。因此,所有乘客的最大允许量为每人15公斤(包括手提行李)。
  • Permissions to carry additional luggage for infants is subject to the combined weight (passengers and luggage) being under aircraft specifications on the day of travel. Full size prams do not fit in luggage compartments and capsules/child seats cannot be fitted in the helicopter.
  • 对于允许携带婴儿额外行李的许可,取决于在飞行当天的飞机规格规定的总重量(乘客和行李)。全尺寸婴儿车无法放入行李舱,而婴儿提篮/儿童座椅无法安装在直升机上。
  • Due to the size and dimensions of helicopter cargo compartments, luggage is required to be packed into 1x carry on size case or soft duffle bag per person. 
  • 由于直升机货舱空间尺寸的限制,每人的行李必须打包成一个随身大小的行李箱或软质旅行袋中。
  • Please note, excess luggage may be stored at the Nautilus Aviation Office.
  • 请注意,超出行李限额的行李可以存放在本公司(Nautilus Aviation)办公室。
Res Office Hours


  • Office: 7:00am to 6:00pm.
  • 工作时间:上午7点 到下午6点 ( 每周7 天)
Passenger Refusal


  • In accordance with Australian Aviation Law, Nautilus Aviation reserves the right to refuse any passenger who, in the opinion of the pilot in command, may provide a hazard to the flight or to the safety and comfort of other passengers. 
  • 根据澳大利亚航空法的规定,本公司(Nautilus Aviation)保留拒绝承运任何乘客的权利。如果飞行员认为某位乘客可能对航班安全或其他乘客的舒适造成危险,本公司(Nautilus Aviation)保留拒绝承运该乘客的权利。
  • Passengers may be refused for reasons including, but not limited to: erratic, offensive or threatening behaviour; perceived intoxication; or implied risk to the safety of the flight.
  • 乘客可能因以下原因被拒绝,包括但不限于:行为不稳定、冒犯性或威胁性;被认为醉酒;或具有飞行安全风险的暗示。
  • Nautilus Aviation supports the decision of its pilots and staff members who decide to refuse a passenger. 
  • 本公司(Nautilus Aviation)支持其飞行员和工作人员拒绝承运该乘客的决定。
  • In the event a passenger is refused, full charges may apply.
  • 如果该乘客被拒绝的话,该乘客则可能需要支付全额费用。
Passenger Weights


  • Helicopters (as with all light aircraft) are subject to strict weight specifications per aircraft type.
  • 直升机(与所有轻型飞机一样)受到每种飞机类型的严格重量规格的限制。
  • Accurate individual passenger weights and accompanying carryon luggage MUST be advised upon booking. 
  • 预订时必须告知准确的每个乘客的体重和随身携带的行李。
  • It is a legal requirement for all passengers and luggage to be weighed at the time of check-in. Weight variances greater than 10% may incur an additional fee and/or luggage allowance may be further reduced.
  • 澳洲法律规定所有乘客和行李在办理乘机登记手续时都要进行称重。重量差异超过 10% 可能会产生额外费用和/或行李限额可能会进一步减少。
  • Nautilus Aviation operate a fleet of helicopters with individual specifications. The maximum single seat payload is 130KG.  For passengers exceeding 130KG, aircraft seating four or more (4+) passengers are required for private charters and for listed tours and packages, an additional seat at 50% of ticket price may need to be purchased for passenger comfort and aircraft weight and balance. 
  • 本公司(Nautilus Aviation)拥有一支个性化规格的直升机机队。每个座位的单座最大载重量为130公斤。对于体重超过130公斤的乘客,如果您想要预订私人包机的话,您需要预订能够容纳四人或四人以上(4+)乘客座位的直升机。如果您想要预订我们所列出的旅游产品和套餐的话,为了乘客的舒适度以及飞机的重量和平衡,您需要支付加购一个以正常票价为基准计价的50%的额外占位费用。当您在办理乘机登记手续的时候,这个票价50%的额外占位费用需要直接交给本公司(Nautilus Aviation)的工作人员。
Pregnant Passengers


  • Pregnant passengers are welcome to enjoy all flights at their own discretion.
  • 欢迎怀孕乘客自行决定乘坐所有航班。
  • Nautilus Aviation advises passengers to consult their doctor prior to making a reservation and that seatbelts must be worn at all times during the flight.
  • 本公司(Nautilus Aviation)建议乘客在预订之前咨询医生,并且在飞行期间必须始终系好安全带。


  • Fares are listed per person, in Australian currency (AUD) and are inclusive of GST.  
  • 票价按每人列出,以澳大利亚货币 (澳元) 计价,并包含商品及服务消费税 (GST)。
  • All rates listed on the website are current year and valid 01 April to 31 March annually. 
  • 网站上列出的所有价格均为当年价格,有效期为从当年4月1日开始至明年3月31日结束。


  • Cancellation notice of 48hours is required for a full refund claim and 24-48 hours, for a 50% refund claim.
  • 全额退款需要提前 48 小时发出取消通知,50% 退款则需要 24-48 小时内发出取消通知。
  • No refund applies if the booking is cancelled inside 24 hours.
  • 如果在 24 小时内取消预订,则不予退款。
  • If passengers do not show for a pick-up or flight, a full 100% cancellation fee applies. If the flight is booked through a third-party website or agent, the third-party will be contacted and notified of applicable charges.
  • 如果在预先约定的时间,地点或者预订的航班,乘客未能出席的情况下,乘客则需要支付全额 100% 的取消费用。如果航班是通过第三方网站或旅行社预订的话,我们将与该第三方联系并通知收取相关的费用。
  • If a segment of a paid tour was experienced e.g. the helicopter portion or cruise portion of the ‘Fly/Cruise’, ‘Cruise/Fly’ or ‘Cruise + 10 Minute Scenic’, the component not experienced will be refunded, not both.
  • 如果已经体验了付费旅游的一部分,比如直升机部分或游船部分的“飞去/船回”、“船去/飞回”或“船去船回+ 10分钟直升机光”,那么未体验的部分将会被退款,而不是两者都退款。
  • When payment is made via credit card, the processing fee from the original transaction will not be returned in the case of a refund.
  • 如果使用信用卡付款的话,退款时原始交易产生的手续费将不予退还。


  • The safety of our passengers, crew and aircraft is our number one priority, with no exception.  
  • 我们的乘客、机组人员和飞机的安全是我们的首要任务,毫无例外。
  • The decision of the pilot in command is final with regard to the carriage of luggage, seat allocation and whether a flight is to proceed during times of inclement weather.
  • 飞行员在行李运输、乘客座位的分配以及恶劣天气期间是否继续飞行方面拥有最终决定权。
  • All passengers will receive a safety briefing prior departure.
  • 所有乘客将在出发前接受乘机安全事项讲解(提供中文讲解影片)。
  • When flying over water all passengers must wear a life jacket for the duration of the flight.
  • 在水上飞行时,所有乘客必须在飞行期间穿著救生衣。
  • Nautilus Aviation reserves the right to charge $300.00 to any individual / passenger who inflates the life jacket whether accidental or on purpose, except when instructed to do so in the event of an emergency.
  • 如果在非紧急情况下,未经指示就给救生衣充气(无论是意外还是故意),Nautilus Aviation 有权收取每人300澳元的费用。紧急情况下,按照指示操作则不会收取任何费用。
  • Strictly no smoking in or around the helicopter at any time.
  • 在直升机舱内或直升机周围严禁吸烟。
HeliFish Pub Crawl Special Terms and Conditions

本公司旗下的飞鱼直升机(HeliFish)公司提供酒吧巡游产品 特殊条款和条件

  • Whilst we want you to enjoy the tour there are strict aviation regulations that apply to the carriage of disorderly or abusive passengers and those under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs.
  • 虽然我们希望您享受这次旅行,但对于任何不守秩序或冒犯其他乘客,以及受酒精和/或药物影响的乘客的直升机飞行,都有严格的航空规定。
  • Should the situation arise where any passenger is deemed to pose a safety risk to the flight at any point of the tour, the pilot in command reserves the right to refuse travel to that passenger. In the event of this occurring no refund will be issued and the passenger shall be responsible for making their own arrangements to return to Darwin.
  • 如果有任何乘客被认为在旅途中的任何时刻对航班构成安全风险,飞行员保留拒绝该乘客飞行的权利。在此情况下,将不提供退款,乘客需自行安排返回达尔文。
Special Assistance


  • At the time of booking, please advise if travelling with passengers requiring special assistance as additional seating regulations apply.
  • 请在预订时告知是否有需要特殊帮助的乘客与您一同旅行,因为额外的座位规定将会适用。
  • Please note, collapsible wheelchairs can only be carried on select aircraft and due to WHS requirements, staff are unable to lift any passengers. 
  • 请注意,折叠轮椅只能在部分飞机上可以运输,并且根据 WHS(工作健康与安全)的法规要求,工作人员不可以去搬动任何乘客。
Sand Cay Experiences



  • Vlasoff and Undine Sand Cays are public sand cays that are subject to weather, tides and public occupancy.
  • 瓦拉索沙島(Vlasoff Cay)和恩迪涅沙洲(Undine Sand Cays)都是公共沙洲,受天气、潮汐和公共占用的影响。
  • On the rare occasion they are occupied on our arrival we will not be permitted to land. If this occurs passengers will receive an extended reef scenic flight back to point of departure.  Passengers will be able to keep their picnic lunch and our reservations team will advise and assist with any refunds applicable.
  • 在极少数情况下,如果我们抵达时这两个沙洲都已被占用了,那么我们将无法着陆。在这种情况下,乘客将乘坐加时版的大堡礁观光飞行返回出发地点。乘客可以保留他们的野餐午餐,并且我们的预订团队将提供任何适用的退款建议和协助。
Tour Partners


  • For the specific product information and terms and conditions of partnered tour providers, please visit their individual website or contact the operator directly. 
  • 有关合作旅游运营商的具体产品信息以及条款和条件,请访问其各自的网站或直接联系运营商。



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